Narva Arhitektuuri ja Linna Planeerimise Amet

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Something from a history of the architecture.

Pursuant to the decrees the queen of Sweden Kristina since September 12, 1642, July 1, 1646 and by November 27, 1650 the municipal government of Narva was settled as follows: the urban magistrate should consist, at least, of two burgomasters and eight ratshers under chairmanship of burggraf (or in some sources - president), assigned by the Swedish royal government. Besides in 1644 the magistrate was parted into three boards: judicial, trade and financial and building. Each consisted of three ratsher. The creation of building commission more or less had put in order building in city. For example, building wood houses were prohibited, the streets formed by straight lines, quantity of free segments were controlled. Before this time urban magistrate of rich Narva merchants invited the building foremen from Holland and Germany, majority of the foremen, having completed construction, left. However from a beginning 50 years XVII of century in the documents of a magistrate the position the building foreman appeared. Since 1652 the urban building foreman was the mason Zaharias Hoffmann. Later, in XVIII century, this position had been exchanged to the architect, the duties, one of ratshers (member of a magistrate) performed. In XIX century after reorganization of municipal government, at urban justice the position of the urban architect with the annual salary in 1200 rbl was established.
Under the data of the Narva museum.  

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